Work + Life

Staying Motivated in Winter

people running in winter

Summer and fall are full of opportunities for outdoor activities and socializing. But as the calendar turns and temperatures start to drop, many people find themselves wanting to stay indoors and not venturing into the frigid winter weather. This sedentary and inactive lifestyle can bring about a lack of motivation to do much of anything—a state that REALTORS® really can’t afford to fall into, as their business relies on being active and out and about. Here are a few ways to chase away the winter blues, so you can bring your A-game to your clients.

Make use of your evenings

The sun sets early in winter, and you may have the urge to go straight home to hibernate after a long workday, which is completely reasonable. However, staying active after-hours can do wonders for your morale. Schedule dinners with friends, head to the gym or even find a new hobby to take up. Keeping busy even during down time can be great for your mental health and, in turn, help you wake up motivated for work the next day.

Set goals

You should always be setting goals for both your personal and professional life, but with fewer distractions in colder temperatures, you may have an easier time accomplishing them. Think about what you’d like to accomplish for your business: Do you want to expand your client base? Do you want to become a more proficient marketer? Brush up on tech skills? Set reasonable goals for the remainder of the season, so when the weather gets nicer and you want to be outside more often, you’ll have already accomplished a host of valuable tasks. There are also several helpful apps, such as Strides (available on iOS) and Way of Life (available on both iOS and Android), to help manage your goal setting and progress.

Keep a set schedule

For those who like to be as organized as possible, map out a calendar in November for the winter season, and post it at your desk or on your wall at home. Looking at a prominently placed schedule with your upcoming activities is a great way to remind yourself that you have things to look forward to. If the constant reminder of work is too much, keep it strictly to fun or social activities you have planned. A great resource to help with scheduling is Calendly, an app that makes scheduling right from your phone easy and integrates with your Google, Outlook or Apple calendars to make keeping track of work and personal activities a breeze.

Seek support if necessary

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) affects about 5% of the United States adult population.
Source: American Psychiatric Association

Sometimes, helping yourself just isn’t enough. According to the American Psychiatric Association, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) affects about 5% of the United States adult population. Those who experience SAD often feel the effects most in winter when the weather is colder and there is less sunlight. Symptoms include a change in appetite or sleeping habits, feeling generally sad and a lack of motivation to do the things you once enjoyed doing. If you or a loved one may be experiencing these symptoms, seek the help of a medical professional trained to diagnose and treat SAD. Or, you can call the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Hotline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357) to talk with a trained professional about any symptoms you may be experiencing.
