Our Members

Celebrating Excellence

CRS Week 2023

From the desk of Jeff Hornberger, RRC CEO

As we approach the change of season, there’s an air of anticipation within the Residential Real Estate Council (RRC). Each year, we mark late September with an exciting event that embodies growth, exploration and the power of learning: CRS Week.

This celebration is specially curated for our Certified Residential Specialists (CRS) and CRS candidates and aims to create an environment fostering professional development, knowledge acquisition and industry exploration.

quote from Jeff Hornberger2023 CRS Week was designed to be an enlightening five-day journey. It features a series of engaging webinars that delve into contemporary topics relevant to our industry. With themes encompassing evolving market trends, ethical practices, innovative client engagement strategies and the use of technology in real estate, we have been excited to provide our CRS community with opportunities to enhance their skills and broaden their knowledge.

Each day of CRS Week has a unique theme assigned to it, focusing on diverse aspects of residential real estate. This approach encourages CRS Designees to explore various facets of their profession, engage in thought-provoking conversations and gain a more holistic understanding of the industry. For our CRS candidates, it gives them an incentive to join the conversation and gain motivation to complete their pursuit of the CRS Designation.

CRS Week places significant emphasis on engaging one another. We offered an opportunity for members to capture what it is to be a CRS through the eyes of their loved ones. CRSs asked their family, friends and significant others, “What does a CRS do?” pointed their camera and hit record. Members were able to submit these videos for RRC to feature on its social media pages while creating a video compiling all the submissions. I’ve anticipated hearing all about our members through the voices of those who know you best.

We also released a special episode of RRC’s podcast, “Real Estate Real Talk,” that answers your questions about the profession and what is coming next.

We look forward to the growth this year’s CRS Week will inspire among our CRS community. We’re not just celebrating our past accomplishments; we’re setting the stage for exploring new opportunities, strengthening professional relationships and acquiring knowledge that will propel our industry into the future.

CRS Week is a testament to our commitment to excellence, lifelong learning and professional development. We are confident that the insights, connections and inspiration derived will be instrumental in shaping the future success of our CRS community.

We hope all our members and candidates are taking advantage of all CRS Week offers as we celebrate the spirit of growth, learning and exploration that defines our vibrant community!

To access all of 2023 CRS Week’s offerings, visit CRS.com/events/crs-week.