Business Tips

5 Steps to Achieve Mastery

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We all want to fulfill our potential, grow into our strengths and perform at our peak—in other words, we want to be masters! However, mastery is a process that won’t happen overnight. To become a master, you must be willing to set a course, stay on that path and make a lifelong commitment to honing your skills, regardless of the challenges you will undoubtedly encounter. Follow these steps to journey toward mastery in your real estate business.

1) Seek an instructor

If you want to master a skill, it’s vital to find a good mentor or coach who can offer you expert advice and guidance. The best real estate coaches will help agents become more focused as they make meaningful progress in their lives. Your real estate coach should hold your feet to the fire, but also cheer you on and celebrate your achievements.

2) Practice constantly

Practice makes perfect! It’s not glamorous, and sometimes it will seem like there are no visible signs of improvement. But if you commit to this spirit of always learning and practicing, you will continually clear the obstacles on your pathway to mastery. Consider a real estate training program to continually build your business skills.

3) Surrender

Often we are so afraid of looking like fools, we resist surrendering to the process. But to become a master, you must surrender yourself to your teachers and to the demands of your discipline. Remember, there are no experts, only learners. Have a beginner’s mindset, set aside your ego, give your whole self to the process and learn to relish the journey.

4) Be intentional

What does mastery look like to you? Be intentional about conjuring thoughts, images and feelings associated with success. Visualize your goals, master your vision and have a clear picture of what you want to achieve. Filter out negativity and focus on motivational media that gets you closer to your goals, while also associating with people who lift you up.

5) Commit to self-improvement

Becoming a master is a journey—you must be open to growth along the way. Don’t be afraid to fail, because your shortcomings can become your assets. Lean into your real estate coach as you push yourself to the next level. It’s easy to resist change; but to achieve mastery, you must commit to the journey, develop a support system and establish a strong mental and physical fitness routine to give you energy.

If you’re dedicated to learning, growing and achieving mastery, consider jumping into real estate coaching with Buffini & Company. Our real estate coaches are trained to guide you toward mastery—see how Buffini & Company One2One Coaching can change your game with a free business consultation. Visit for more information.

Photo: Aksoy