Council News Our Members

The Heartbeat of RRC

hand holding heart with RRC name

From the desk of Tricia Nekota, CRS, RRC President

The success of Residential Real Estate Council (RRC) is attributed to its multifaceted organizational structure. Each layer plays a pivotal role in guaranteeing our shared achievements. RRC’s volunteers are key contributors to the many accomplishments of the association. Volunteers bring forth their passion, dedication and shared wealth of expertise. They selflessly donate their time, energy and skills to further our collective mission of fostering excellence in residential real estate. As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of the real estate industry, I find it critical to recognize and celebrate the unsung heroes who form the backbone of our organization—our volunteers.

Quote from Tricia NekotaVolunteers bring diverse backgrounds, perspectives and experiences to the table. Their wealth of knowledge enhances the quality of our programs, initiatives and education. Often, volunteers who are at the forefront of innovation and plant fresh ideas push our organization forward. Their creativity and willingness fuel RRC’s growth and adaptability in a fast-changing industry.

Through their volunteer work, members actively contribute to building strong and vibrant RRC communities. Whether through mentorship programs, community outreach initiatives or advocacy efforts, volunteers truly make a tangible difference in the lives of those they serve. Volunteer leaders inspire others within the organization to give back and make a positive impact—and the wave continues to ripple outward. If you’re eager to participate and become a volunteer, I encourage you to reach out to your state leaders. RRC enthusiastically embraces and welcomes your valuable assistance.

Volunteers embody the spirit of collaboration, working together toward common goals and objectives. Their camaraderie strengthens the bonds within our organization, fostering a sense of belonging and unity among members. RRC State volunteers feverishly work on planning multiple education courses and networking events throughout the year. And don’t forget to mark your calendars for the unmissable CRS Week, from Sept. 16–20! Brace yourselves for a daily cascade of webinars accessible not only to esteemed RRC members but also to others beyond our membership. This is our moment to radiate brilliance and illuminate why #CRSMeansBusiness in residential real estate. Rally your colleagues, summon industry peers to partake in this extravaganza and commit to engaging in the array of events and educational offerings orchestrated by your state leaders. Together, let’s ensure that CRS Week transcends mere success and attains the pinnacle of achievement.

In closing, I’d like to extend my deepest gratitude and heartfelt aloha to all the volunteers who selflessly dedicate themselves to the advancement of RRC, giving generously and wholeheartedly to our collective cause. RRC’s success is, without a doubt, due to your efforts, commitment and contributions. Together, we can continue to build a stronger, more vibrant organization that positively impacts the lives of real estate professionals and communities alike.

Photo: Getty Images/Svetlana Krivenceva