Work + Life

The Benefits of Making a Vision Board

illustration of woman in front of vision board

As we head into the new year, a fresh set of goals and resolutions may be top-of-mind. Instead of simply making a list, try getting a bit more creative. A fun and stress-relieving way to visualize your goals and intentions for the new year is by creating a vision board. For years, people have been creating these boards to help them stay focused on what’s important to them. Here are five reasons why you should make a vision board this winter.

Helps you to prioritize your goals

While you’re making your vision board, think about the goals that you consider most important. That way, you’ll be sure that you’re tackling tasks that will have the most positive impact on your life.

Keeps you motivated

Constantly seeing a visual of the things that you’re working hard for can help you keep your eyes on the prize. You can check in on your board throughout the year to see how much progress you’ve made and what’s yet to be achieved.

Makes you more productive

Along with keeping you motivated, your vision board will ultimately help you become a more productive person.

Boosts your morale

Vision boards help to make your dreams feel much more tangible and attainable. You’ll feel better about your life circumstances when you know that change and elevation are truly possible.

Allows for reassessment

If in 6 months you look at your vision board and realize you haven’t been making the progress you had hoped for, you can reassess and refocus.
