Council News

Simmering Success

Jeff Henderson at Sell-a-bration®

Residential Real Estate Council (RRC) spoke with Jeff Henderson, professional chef, author and Sell-a-bration® keynote speaker, about rising from adversity and achieving work-life balance in demanding industries.

RRC: Your journey from overcoming adversity to being a professional chef is truly inspiring. What advice do you have for individuals facing challenges, whether in their personal or professional lives?

Henderson: Life is full of challenges. The goal is to learn from any poor choices or mistakes that you make. You have to be resilient, strong and tough and face every part of adversity in your personal or professional life with a mindset of, “I’m going to get through this. I’m going to make this. I’m never going to give up.”

quote from Jeff HendersonRRC: Beyond the kitchen, what impact do you believe chefs can make in their communities, and how do you personally strive to make a positive impact?

Henderson: Chefs can play a great role in terms of health and food disparities, especially in black and brown communities where high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes are silent killers. We have an opportunity not just to prepare great food but to inspire and educate. It’s about education—each one, teach one.

RRC: The real estate industry is known for its fast-paced environment and demanding schedules. Do you have any tips for real estate professionals seeking to maintain a healthy work-life balance?

Henderson: In the real estate industry and most industries, a real estate agent is almost like an entrepreneur, and balance is one of the biggest challenges. That’s why it’s great to have a partner to help you stay balanced, but understand that you have to carve out some “me time” away from the busy work schedule because if not, you can wind up burning out. [Those in the] real estate and culinary industries experience burnout if they don’t balance their work and personal life. I would say you need to carve out some sleep time; you need to carve out some me time once or twice a week and try to turn off from the professional side to stay healthy and be able to continue your work at a high level.

RRC: Your life story is being turned into a feature film based on your New York Times best-selling book, “Cooked: My Journey from the Street to the Stove.” What would you want readers of your book or moviegoers to remember the most?

Henderson: I’ve been extremely blessed. I never chased a book, television or even a movie deal. I look at my life story coming to the big screen as an educational and informational piece to say that no matter who you are, no matter where you come from, [we all have] a gift and potential to become that best version of ourselves.