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Meet DJ Dube, CRS: Helping Clients and the Community

DJ Dube, CRS

RE/MAX Right Choice, South Windsor, Connecticut

How did you get involved in real estate?

I went to school for business, and I took the real estate licensing class as an elective. After I graduated, I worked other jobs, but I just kept thinking about how much I had enjoyed that real estate class, so I thought I would give it a shot.

I reached out to a local broker I knew and asked if they had an admin-type role because I wasn’t sure I wanted to dive all the way in. I started at the front desk, and shortly after that, I realized, “This is my jam.” I studied again because it had been several years since I’d taken the class. I took the licensing test, passed and the rest is history. It’ll be almost 11 years since I’ve been licensed.

When did you learn about the CRS Designation, and how did you decide you wanted to pursue that?

Even when I was first licensed, I had heard about what a prestigious designation CRS was, and it was always on the list of things I wanted to accomplish. A dear friend of mine—I refer to her as “my conference wife” because we travel and go to so many conferences together—thought I would love Sell-a-bration®, the network and everything else. She tapped me on the shoulder and said I should check it out. This was right when COVID hit, so I used the time to get my designation.

Where do you practice, and what is your market like?

I’m located in central Connecticut, but I service the entire state. It’s relatively small, and I can get to a vast majority of the state in an hour or less. And we are busy. Just like everywhere in the country, there is very low inventory here. And unless they’re egregiously overpriced, most properties are receiving multiple offers. We are having to get very creative for our buyers. And with our sellers, we have to do a lot of due diligence to sort through those offers, make sure that we are vetting them properly and making sure that we go under contract and get to the closing table. It is definitely a seller’s market right now and home values are substantial.

Are you primarily a listing agent, or do you work with buyers as well? How do you market your services?

I work with a mix of buyers and sellers, and my entire business is repeat and referral. A quarter to a third of my business is agent-to-agent referrals. Last year, I had one transaction that was an inquiry on one of my listings, but aside from that, my entire business is structured on doing a phenomenal job for my clients. I share with them that I work by referral, and if they really enjoyed and appreciated the level of service I offer, they should refer me to their friends and family. I do a lot of client appreciation events and stay in touch with clients, letting them know that I want to be their resource for all things house-related—whether they need a painter, handyman or plumber—it is not just during the transaction, but for life.

Are there any particular charities or community projects you’re involved in?

I am a huge volunteer within our industry. I serve on the board of directors for our state and local association. I am the immediate past chair of the Young Professionals Network for our local association. I am chair of the legal awareness committee, which is the group that creates forms for agents to use. I’ve served on the state and local grievance committees for many years and serve for the local Women’s Council of REALTORS® as an events director. I support many charities within my community—I love being involved in giving back. I help with different fundraisers, I’ve sponsored the South Windsor Operation Graduation, and there is a farm I have sponsored that helps with hunger in the Niantic area.

DJ Dube, CRS, achieved the CRS Designation in 2020. She can be reached at DJDuberealestate@gmail.com or 860-830-1986.