Work + Life

Indoor Botanical Boost

several indoor plants

Due to social distancing recommendations, people across the country have had to find new hobbies. One activity that is growing in popularity is horticulture and gardening. According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s Advance Monthly Retail Trade Survey, more consumers are shopping at building material stores, gardening stores and nurseries, with this industry seeing a sales increase of 19.1% from September 2019 to September 2020.

While Americans are heading back to their roots with gardening, winter provides a different opportunity for those who still want to enjoy the greenery. Caring for indoor plants during colder weather can be a great way to pass the time, but can also provide some surprising benefits. Research has shown that they can help with work habits while providing mental and physical health benefits. Here are a few reasons to start keeping some indoor plants this season.

Reducing stress levels—Studies have shown that working with and around plants can reduce daily stress levels. One specific study from the American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS) showed that taking just three minutes to look at an indoor plant during the workday lowered both psychological and physiological stress levels in participants. If you’re stressing out about a big deal or an important open house coming up, taking in the natural beauty of an indoor plant can put you at ease.

Satisfied employees—Having buy-in from your team is an extremely important part of any real estate operation. It’s a difficult task, as you’re dealing with a wide variety of personalities. However, an easy fix could be to give your staff a plant to care for. Research from PLOS One showed that workers who were exposed to natural elements (indoor plants, window views, nature photography) often had a higher job satisfaction than those without these elements present while they’re on the job.

Increased productivity—Wish you were able to shut out distractions and get more done during the day? Having a plant in your immediate workspace may help with productivity. Another study from ASHS showed that not only did respondents claim to be more productive with a plant at their desk, but they took fewer sick days. While many REALTORS® don’t spend a lot of time stationary at a desk, having a plant for the time you do spend at your workstation can subconsciously motivate you to reach for new or greater goals.

A sense of accomplishment—Everyone strives for that feeling of a job well done. As a REALTOR®, that means closing a deal, getting positive feedback from clients or having a superb showing. But caring for another living thing can’t be overlooked as a major accomplishment! Now’s your chance to prove to yourself that you do have a green thumb and can successfully keep a plant alive. Having that sense of accomplishment can raise your spirits and improve your overall quality of life, which can in turn give you a brighter outlook on your work tasks ahead.

list of plants for beginners
