From Our Educators Tech & Gadgets

Getting in Focus

clicking on a virtual video player

By Marki Lemons Ryhal, CRS

In the age of social media, we’re bombarded with changes in trends and technological advancements. Video content is nonnegotiable. While a professional video is popular (and advisable, when possible), remember that at their core, your videos must serve the needs of your audience. Create content daily for the people you want to attract.

Video content doesn’t have to be a lesser version of a face-to-face conversation. Having mobile phones means people have the chance to connect via the instrument that’s frequently in the palm of their hands. We have to get comfortable with creating and delivering video content to achieve this connection, and we have to force ourselves to do this until it becomes a habit. If we take the camera-first approach, interacting with people in real time and allowing them to get to know us and our expertise, we can ultimately convert people from consumers to clients and turn social activities into business outcomes.

Videos are still the most engaging form of content on the internet and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. When you don’t have all the answers on a topic, make a video about it and interview experts in your community. And stop worrying about how you look in your videos. Instead, ensure your content serves the needs of your audience.

Using Facebook Live

Facebook Live allows REALTORS® to broadcast to the most massive audience in the world using the camera that’s right in their pocket; it connects REALTORS® with the consumers, customers and clients who are interested in buying and selling real estate. There are four different places on Facebook where you can use Facebook Live:
• Personal Profile
• Business Page
• Facebook Group
• Facebook Event

How to Plan and Promote Your Livestream

1) Post a one-day notice before going live and promote your livestream video. Allowing people to plan and schedule your video into their day will help you grow your audience. Your followers can receive advanced notifications about when you will go live, so they can tune into your broadcasts and engage with you in real time.

Create a photo with Canva to announce your Facebook Live broadcast. Then resize the photo so it is compatible with the platform where you plan to share the photo.

• Tell people the date, time and subject of your video, and provide a link to the page where they can find your broadcast.
• Email this same information to your database.
• Promote your broadcast on Twitter using the photo you created with Canva.
• Pin the photo you created in Canva to Pinterest.

2) Ensure you have a robust and reliable Wi-Fi connection. Facebook won’t let you go live until it can determine that you have a reliable internet connection. A reliable Wi-Fi connection is essential for ensuring a continuous and uninterrupted video experience—for both you and your audience.

3) Charge your batteries! Streaming video will drain your device’s battery. Charge your device and your additional batteries if you plan to use Facebook Live while on the go. Place your phone in airplane mode (Wi-Fi enabled) to eliminate any possible interruptions such as notices, updates and phone calls.

4) Check the lighting. Good lighting is essential for a good livestream experience and will help show off your properties’ best qualities.

5) Stabilize your device. Use a tripod or selfie stick to stabilize the camera. Keep the device as level as possible so your audience will have a comfortable viewing experience.

6) Engage your audience. You are creating livestream videos to benefit your audience, so why not use them to help you! Ask your audience questions and encourage them to participate.

Marki Lemons Ryhal, CRS, is a licensed managing broker, avid volunteer and author of The Modern Real Estate Professional’s Guide to Success. Lemons Ryhal holds a B.S. in management from Chicago State University, an MBA from Saint Xavier University, and over 50 real estate-related licenses, certifications and designations.
