Council News

From the President: What’s Next in Your Story?

From the desk of 2017 CRS President Leigh Brown

My grandma always said: “The older we get, the faster time flies.”

Every passing year proves her more and more right— wouldn’t you agree? I think it’s particularly true in real estate, where we live through several lifetimes in a single transaction!

The most successful CRS REALTORS® know that every transaction has its own story, whether it’s heart-rending or crazy or chaotic! That’s what makes the best the best—they know how to ask questions, and more importantly, listen to the answers.

As you consider the real estate transaction stories in which you have played a part, I know you’ll be considering how you can improve for the future. It’s just what you do. It’s also a great time to ask yourself, “What’s next in MY story?”

Is your story shifting into a different real estate gear? Transforming the client experience and selling more houses? Is your story related to your bigger goals of changing the world at home? Transforming your community by showcasing all that REALTORS® do when they are #MoreThanHouses? Is your story related to your professional service life? Transforming professionalism and the entire real estate world through education and reaching out to your fellows in camaraderie and support?

This being my last issue of The Residential Specialist, I have to tell you that I almost didn’t have the opportunity to represent you in this leadership position. It was a leap of faith for the nominating committee to select me when I was certainly the most unconventional candidate for president ever. My story moved forward because of this opportunity and because of each of you.

For some, leadership is a rung on a ladder.

For me, leadership has been the chance to meet and learn about so many of you, the often-unsung heroes of real estate who are getting it right, one client at a time.

Your story has more chapters. I’m honored to have been a part of this one and excited to see what we can write together in the future.