Council News

From the President: Team Work Makes the Dream Work

From the desk of 2018 CRS President Gary Williams

First, let me start with this: Thank you! Thank you to everyone in the RRC family for all you do for the Council, the designation, and your ongoing support for staff and the 2018 leadership team. You make me look good.

My motto has always been and will always be, “There is no ‘I’ in team.” It is not about me, it is about all of us working together to complete one common goal. For working together, we will be successful, but apart we will fail.
You should consider the Council your team. By teaming up with the Council during this busy season, you can keep your production high and your head above water.

We have so many new RRC courses, and it would be well worth your time to take one of these new education offerings. Transforming Difficult Situations Into Profitable Deals will help you take difficult buyers, sellers, appraisers and other agents and turn them into closed, successful deals. Power Up on Smart Home Technologies will bring you up to speed with the latest smart home technologies—and all the other legal and security issues that come with them—so you can effectively price, market and sell these unique properties.

Plus, if you take our Smart Homes course, you will be halfway toward earning your RRC Smart Home Certification—a brand-new certificate that signals to buyers and sellers that you have advanced knowledge of these homes.

But during this busy season, don’t lose sight of what’s important. Remember to think about your time management: How do you balance your home life and your work life? Remember, a happy family will support you in the long run and help you boost your overall production. Hopefully the productivity methods and systems discussed in this issue will help you clear your schedule so you have more time for those you love. At the Council, we want to support you as a professional and a well-rounded person.

So let’s all work together to make 2018 the BEST we can for all of us. I am here for ALL of you and promise to do whatever I can to support you. Remember I am only a phone call or email away for all of you.

Thanks for all your support, and keep up the great work!