Council News

Are You a Mentor? Don’t Miss Out!

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If you are not taking advantage of the Council’s Mentor Program, you’re missing out. The Mentor Program provides members with:

  • Network building: A mentee can introduce you to new contacts and potential buyers who can become excellent sources for referrals.
  • Mutually beneficial growth: Mentoring is as good for the mentor as it is for the mentee. It offers the mentor a new perspective on the industry and ideas for their sales strategy that may now be stale.
  • A friend and partner: The best mentor situations often result in lifelong friendships. You’ll gain a bond between two professionals who listen to one another, share advice and act as sounding boards as needed.

Hundreds of members are taking advantage of this exciting program for real connections on certain topics of interest. Each informal mentor-mentee partnership is matched based on a multitude of criteria, including career development goals, areas of interest and overcoming challenges.

Build a new relationship and get matched today at
