Council News

News from the Council

inside CRS

Going Local

Getting involved with CRS is easier than ever.

Being a Certified Residential Specialist signifies that you have earned an important distinction in the residential real estate business. You’’ve set yourself apart with a CRS designation. You have access to the industry’’s best training and events. And you are a part of a valuable referral network. But being a CRS also means that you belong to a community of successful, like-minded colleagues who can help you throughout your career.

The best way to take advantage of this community is to get involved with CRS on a local level, starting with your state CRS and the local networking groups (LGNs) associated with it.

Starting this year, CRS transitioned from its old chapter structure to a new, more streamlined engagement model, connecting CRS members together within the state they operate. Through this transition, the Council has also established a robust online platform for CRS members to expand their network, find and offer help on common issues, easily locate members for referrals, share up-to-date and relevant news, locate and store files, and find local and national events.

Check out your state group

If you haven’’t done it already, take a look at your state’’s community page online. It’’s easy to access and navigate everything that’’s going on near you. This is the main communication page from the state groups to their members.

It all starts with logging in: Go to and make sure you are logged in to access all the members-only content. After that, you can find your state CRS in two ways: Click on “My State CRS” on the top rail, near the middle of the page, or go directly to your state’’s URL (for example, As long as you are logged in, you will be able to access this page.

You are already automatically enrolled in the state CRS where your office is located. If your territory crosses state lines, or you’’re going on a trip to another state and want to see if there are any classes or events you can attend while there, you can also see every other state’s page by clicking on the States button near the top of the community page.

Everything you need to know in one place

The state CRS community page is your hub for local information. There you will find several categories for information:

  • Discussions, a place to post discussion topics, questions, ideas and find help
  • Local Network Group information and contact information for your local leaders
  • State CRS Events, a calendar dedicated specifically to local events
  • Ways to Get Involved and a point-person to help you get started
  • Contact information for your Leadership Team
  • Your State CRS Blog, where your state Leadership Team can provide updates, announce events and relay information
  • State CRS Files, where you may share and store documents, flyers and marketing materials other members may find useful
  • National CRS General Discussion Forum, Full Calendar and Latest News, including registration for events like Sell-a-bration®, webinars, and other topics pertinent to your business and CRS on a national level

This new page should provide you with an easy and straightforward way to connect with your State CRS and get involved. By participating locally, you can get a lot more out of your membership, grow your referral network, and learn from educators and other agents——ultimately impacting your bottom line.

Go to to access your State community page, which is a hub of local information. This new page provides an easy way to connect with your State CRS.